Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
Pupil premium funding from the government is given to schools to help pupils reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial situation. There is a National gap between the attainment of students from disadvantaged backgrounds when compared with their peers. This gap is also prominent, nationally, for student progress and attendance.
Pupil Premium 2024 - 2025
Our Mission at Waseley Hills
As part of the Central Region Schools Trust, here at Waseley Hills our mission is to achieve social justice through the education and opportunities we provide for our young people. We passionately strive to better the life chances of our students and to enable them to become confident and creative young people who thrive in a changing world. As a school, we have decided that all that we do is based on the following core values:
We believe passionately that our learners should be able to aspire to achieve their very best regardless of all differences. Our students are entitled to equal opportunities and access to resources, experiences, trips and visits. Where necessary, we invest our time, energy and funding to support pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium in achieving as meaningful and enriching an experience at school as possible. Through our enrichment programme, we aim to offer a rich diet of student leadership opportunities, trips, guest speakers and teambuilding events. We respect the individualities and talents of our students and appreciate their differences and aim to ensure there is proportionality for Pupil Premium on all trips, in all teams and at all clubs and events.
We are also committed to equal opportunities within our curriculum offer with all students accessing the same breadth and depth of courses, knowledge and skills which are outlined in clearly sequenced curriculum plans. We place an emphasis on targeted support, where needed, to prevent a pupil’s circumstances affecting their academic progress and therefore life chances. This targeted support includes both academic intervention such as reading and literacy support, subject specific interventions and masterclasses and one-to-one tutoring.
Our priority is to implement our vision through highly effective classroom teaching supplemented by interventions to support vulnerable learners. In planning our Pupil Premium Strategy, we have drawn on a range of experience, evidence-based research and best practice from across the Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation’s Teaching and Learning Toolkit which found that the most important factor in improving narrowing the disadvantage gap is effective teaching day after day.
High quality Teaching and Learning is therefore the most effective strategy in narrowing this gap but our school’s plans also detail a range of out of lesson interventions to support pupils further. The causes and consequences of disadvantage affect all pupils differently and as such our interventions are bespoke and targeted.
We use the EEF tiered approach to addressing the Pupil Premium gap.
- High Quality Teaching
- Targeted Academic Support
- Wider Strategies relating to significant non-academic barriers including attendance, behaviour and Social and Emotional Learning/support.
We are driven by a moral imperative to improve outcomes and experiences for learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. At Waseley Hills, we recognise that narrowing the Pupil Premium gap requires an unrelenting focus and commitment to providing Quality First Teaching and this sits at the heart of our 2023-24 strategic vision.
How do I register?
You only need to register once at the school.
Please register online here:
Need more information?
For more information, please contact our Pupil Premium lead, Miss Donovan