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How to apply for a school place in the normal round of admissions 

The parents of pupils resident in Worcestershire, including parents whose preference is for the catchment area school for the child's home address, seeking a place at any First/Primary or Middle School, including any Academy, Foundation or Voluntary Aided Schools, and any School outside Worcestershire, must complete a Worcestershire LA Common Application Form (PA1).

Applications can be made online up until the closing date each year by visiting

If you do not have access to the internet Application Forms are available from the Local Worcestershire Hub or by request on Tel no: 01926 412954

The parents of pupils resident outside Worcestershire, but who wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, must complete an application form provided by the "home" LA. (The "home" LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the Child's home address).  The "home" LA will ensure that the application details are passed onto Worcestershire LA for consideration in the allocation of school places.

In the few cases, where it may not be possible to offer a place at any of the preferences nominated on the application form, a place will be offered at the nearest school with available places.

The offer letter will include an acceptance/decline slip which must be returned by the date specified in the offer letter.

For pupils not resident in Worcestershire, the offer or refusal letters will be sent direct to parents by the home LA, even if it is for a school in Worcestershire.

How can I apply for an In-Year school place?

In the case of all applications the parent should forward the form onto the School Admissions Section. The application form is an editable form so you can complete it and save it on your own device and then return it via email.  You can print and return the form via post but please be aware, we have limited access to postal applications and there may be a delay in us receiving any post.  In the first instance please send all applications via email directly to Worcestershire Childrens First at:

Download: In-Year Application Form (opens in a new window)

Complete the application form and ensure Section 6 of the form is completed by your child’s current or most recent school.

You need to look at the published admission criteria for each school you are placing as a preference. Sometimes you may be required to submit extra information (such as a baptism certificate or letter from your church) before your application can be considered under a particular admission criterion.

If your preference is for an Academy, Foundation, Free or Voluntary Aided school, you are advised to refer to the individual school's prospectus or contact the school direct to find out if you need to complete an additional (supplementary) form for the school as well as completing the In-Year Application Form.

You may enter up to three preferences on the application form. You are not required to use all three preferences, however you should consider all schools in an area in case your application for your higher preference schools are unsuccessful. If the local authority cannot offer your child a place at your preferred schools, you will usually be offered the next nearest school to your home address that has a place available, following consultation with that school. By including three preferences, it helps the local authority consider schools that you would find acceptable for your child.

To read more about school admissions -


Further information

The school uses the services of the Appeals Team at Warwickshire County Council to conduct admission appeal hearings and further information is available on their website at The appeal form that would need to be completed can be found here. All correspondence and evidence relating to appeals should be sent directly to the Appeals Team. Their contact details are and 0845 155 1793.

If you need additional information about admissions or appeals for the school, please contact the Admissions Officer at school.  We are not able to advise you on the likely outcome of an individual appeal and parents/carers should form their own judgement on whether to appeal. 

Click here to download the form

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B45 9EL

0121 453 5211